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How a Database Reactivation Campaign Secured 10 NEW Jobs

March 21, 20232 min read

How we generated 10 NEW jobs from your existing customer list!

When you have been in business for a while we are always looking for new customers and forget that past customers still need new work completed. A boiler service, a new bathroom, new kitchen or general updating we will always be consumer.

We recently completed a database reactivation campaign which involves using your past customer information to text and/or email them to keep you top of mind for the next big or small job.


We personalised the messages and booked 9 visits, sent 7 quotes, and 5 quotes confirmed resulting in £26000 worth of work!!

With that said, here are the 5 things we do to market effectively to your existing customers 👊

A database reactivation text message campaign is a powerful tool to secure more work when executed properly.

  1. Segment your database: We start by segmenting your database into different groups based on their previous interactions with your business. For example, you could have a group for customers who have made purchases in the past but haven't in a while, another group for those who have shown interest but haven't made a purchase yet, and so on.

  2. Craft personalised messages: Once we have segmented your database, we craft personalised messages that speak to each customer group's specific needs and interests. We use their past interactions with your business as a starting point for your messaging.

  3. Offer a compelling incentive: To encourage your customers to take action, we offer a compelling incentive such as a discount, exclusive offer, or free gift. If no offer is available we tell them about recent work completed and add in customer testimonials. We make sure the incentive is relevant to the group you are targeting and will encourage them to take action.

  4. We keep it short and sweet: Text messages have a character limit, so keep your messages short and to the point. We make sure your messaging is clear, concise, and easy to understand.

  5. Follow up: We follow up with your customers after the initial message to remind them of the offer and encourage them to take action. We have a tried and tested follow up sales approach that turns your customers into buyers.

A database reactivation text message campaign is effective in securing more work. We keep your messaging personalised, relevant, and compelling, and follow up with your customers to ensure they take action.

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